English Community

Centraide: a fundraising campaign that exceeds expectations

Le chef de cabinet de la campagne Centraide aux Îles, Benoit Cormier

Îles de la Madeleine

The Centraide of the Islands campaign exceeded its funding objectives in 2021-2022.

Despite the impact of the pandemic on the ways of raising money, the organization managed to obtain a total amount of approximately $109,000 in corporate donations from the community, which is 25% more than the $80,000 objective that had been set.

Benoit Cormier, Executive Director of the Centraide campaign on the archipelago, says he is very satisfied with the amount that was raised.

He also hopes that in-person fundraising activities can be held again next year.

Artist Annie Morin was named honorary president for this 33rd fundraising event, an experience she says she enjoyed despite the restrictions imposed by the health context.

Mr. Cormier added that Ms. Morin had donated three paintings for the next campaign.

The artist estimates the total value of her work to be between $5,000 and $6,000.

The majority of the donations collected by Centraide on the archipelago are given to Entraide communautaire des Îles.

The other organizations that benefit are the Centre d’action bénévole, les Cuisines collectives, the Fonds d’entraide de Grande-Entrée, L’Éclaircie, the Maison à Damase and the Embellie.

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