English Community

Coast Guard: Reopening of the Cap-aux-Meules Station

Îles de la Madeleine

The Canadian Coast Guard seasonal search and rescue station at Cap-aux-Meules resumed operations on March 31.

The federal agency reports that all six vessels in the St. Lawrence sector have returned to their respective bases.

The station’s services are available 24 hours a day via a toll-free telephone number as well as on channel 16 by VHF radio, on channel 70 by digital selective calling and finally by radio frequency.

The bases are located in strategic areas in order to respond quickly and are located in Havre-Saint-Pierre, Kegaska, Quebec City, Rivière-au-Renard and Tadoussac.

Furthermore, the Coast Guard reminds us that the water temperature remains low at the beginning of the fishing season and invites those concerned to be cautious and to get information on cold water immersion.

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