Entry Island: Ivan-Quinn dry dock poorly planned, according to residents
For Entry Islanders, the Ivan Quinn’s dry dock extension, which stretched to a total of 13 weeks, was a difficult experience.
Although they are happy to retrieve the ferry that connects them to Cap-aux-Meules, they deplore the impact of this delay and believe that the replacement ship, the Béatrice-Hubert, did not meet their needs.
Interviewed last Saturday, as part of the monthly visit of municipal councillor Georges Painchaud to Entry Island, citizens bemoaned the fact that the maintenance work had not been better planned.
One of them points out in particular that this type of operation should take place when the islanders’ fishing boats are in the water.
Lecteur audioThe extension of the dry dock has notably delayed the delivery of fuel for heating homes and powering the power station, in addition to delaying the emptying of septic tanks.
Some residents want the Société des traversiers du Québec (STQ) to be able to replace the Ivan-Quinn with an equivalent vessel when a dry dock is necessary, particularly for the transport of vehicles and goods.
Lecteur audioFor its part, the Municipalité des Îles asked the STQ to send a team to Entry Island in order to meet its inhabitants and hear their concerns.
According to information obtained by CFIM, the STQ has not made a firm commitment in this regard, but has shown interest in meeting with the residents.
Translated from the french article with the help of Google Translate