English Community

Pound in Grande-Entrée: the entrepreneur has found a new site

Courtoisie : Pêcheries SBL La couleur du revêtement sera changée, de même que l'orientation du quai de chargement qui devra se trouver sur la façade latérale du bâtiment.

Îles de la Madeleine

The company Pêcheries SBL will finally be able to go ahead with its lobster pound project, having found a new piece of land in Grande-Entrée that respects the zoning.

The new development, initially planned on a piece of land located on Smokehouse Road, was to be submitted to the approval of the village residents via a referendum at the end of August.

Delays in the process, as well as concerns expressed by some citizens, led the contractors to continue their search, explained SBL co-owner Stéphane Fillion.

The land identified is located in a residential zone on Route 199 and was grandfathered in for the operation of a boat building business.

The municipality of Les Iles adopted a derogation to modify the acquired right to allow the establishment of a fish pound.

The interim mayor, Gaétan Richard, explains that this will also allow the revitalization of an abandoned building.

The company hopes to be able to complete the work by the start of the lobster fishing season in May 2023.

The investment is close to $2 million, 50 percent of which will be assumed directly by Pêcheries SBL while the other half will be financed through repayable contributions from Investissement Québec.

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