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Close to $800,000 paid to Cirque Éloize for its first show at the old church in Havre-Aubert

Le fondateur du Cirque Éloize, Jeannot Painchaud, présentait son projet Au Pied des Demoiselles aux paroissiens de Havre-Aubert en mars 2022 (photo: CFIM)

Îles de la Madeleine

The Ministère de la Culture et des Communications has confirmed financial support of just under $800,000 to Cirque Éloize for the presentation of its first show in residence at the old church in Havre-Aubert.

Centered around the circus arts, the project, conceived in collaboration with storyteller Cédric Landry, will mobilize musicians from the Islands in addition to integrating young people from the Circus School.

The show will run for six weeks beginning July 7.

The grant is part of the second phase of the Call for projects to promote Quebec culture, which encourages the development and production of large-scale activities.

In May 2021, Cirque Éloize was awarded more than $2.2 million in financial assistance to stimulate its transition to digital technology.

Part of the money was used to acquire equipment to broadcast live shows from the Seine, the performance hall established in the former Notre-Dame-de-la-Visitation church, which was reduced to a secular state last March.

A grant of about forty thousand dollars had also been allocated in September 2021 to conduct a study for the requalification of the building.

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