English Community

Bon goût frais des Îles creates the ABCs of Island culinary culture

"Bouilli d'histoires salées" a été lancé par le Bon goût frais des Îles lors d'un 5 à 7 organisé au Bistro Accents

Îles de la Madeleine

A project of valorization of the Magdalenian culinary identity is born under the name  » Bouilli d’histoires salées « , led by the Bon goût frais des Îles.

The initiative is the result of 3 years of work and a colossal collection of information to identify the significant elements of the local food culture and find ways to promote it, explains the development officer Camille Tremblay Lalancette.

Hours of meetings, workshops and conversations with stakeholders resulted in the creation of a digital primer.

Project manager Alissa Brunetti indicates that each letter is associated with a dish, a product or a typical practice of the Magdalen Islands, and is accompanied by a playful definition as well as traditional recipes from the Cercles de Fermières des Îles.

In addition, the alphabet will be deployed in a circuit involving 24 member businesses and partners of Bon goût frais, she announced.

A video clip entitled Mets d’la bagosse dans l’juke-box promoting the richness of the Islands’ bio-food sector and articulated around an original composition by artist Yoanis Menge was also presented during the project launch last night.

The project was financially supported by the Communauté maritime and a number of provincial ministries, including the Ministry of Tourism and its local partners in the Regional Tourism Partnership Agreement.

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