English Community

Cégep Gaspésie-les Îles’ West Africa project moves forward

La dg du cégep, Yolaine Arseneau, est allée inaugurer le forum qui se tenait en Guinée-Bissau (courtoisie Cégep GÎM)

Îles de la Madeleine

The Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles’ Adaptation of Coastal Populations and Blue Economy project, nicknamed APOCEB, is entering a new phase.

On May 10 and 11, a first circular economy forum was organized in Guinea-Bissau to bring together participants from three distinct economic, social and environmental development initiatives in West Africa.

« More than a hundred people attended the event, » said CEGEP Executive Director Yolaine Arseneau, « including mothers with their daughters from the 28 villages involved ».

The invited women developed a hopeful manifesto listing their wishes for the future of their communities, she said, including recognition of their involvement in protecting their environment.

Ms. Arseneau also announced that APOCEB’s participants and partners will soon be entering a new phase of the project after two years of activity.

Established in 2020 and financially supported by both levels of government, APOCEB is deployed in Senegal, The Gambia, the Republic of Guinea, and Guinea-Bissau.

The creation in 2021 of a coordination and development office in Dakar, the Senegalese capital, should allow Gaspesian and Magdalen Islands students to go there to contribute to the initiatives.

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