English Community

Midway point for the 41st CFIM Radiothon

Michel Asselin et Charles-Eugène Cyr au microphone de Raphaël Lapierre, lors du radiothon

Îles de la Madeleine

Charles-Eugène Cyr, General Manager of Diffusion communautaire des Îles, is pleased to note, once again this year, the enthusiasm of Magdalen Islanders for their community radio.

Already, more than 3,300 people, organizations and businesses have taken advantage of the CFIM radiothon to purchase their membership card.

Mr. Cyr sees this support from the population of the islands as a wave of love for all the artisans of the station, and he hopes that as many listeners as possible will answer the call.

He says he’s particularly proud of the community radio station’s involvement in community activities such as setting of the lobster traps and Christmas basket distribution.

The radiothon continues through Sunday, June 5, when the grand drawings will be held among members in good standing.

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